Be Brave, Have Fun

On Friday, November 22 I got to give a little talk about It Might Get Personal at Creative Mornings in San Francisco. Every month Creative Mornings focuses on one theme and November’s theme was bravery, which seemed apt, since IMGP’s motto is “Be Brave, Have Fun”.

Well, we had fun. After I talked, three fellow Mules (Benjamin Nguyen, John Slingerland, and Lina Misitzis) came up on stage and sang, then the whole audience helped me finish the event with a round of “This Land is Your Land”.

People Who Need To Be Thanked

I always call IMGP “my podcast”, but that’s just a conversational convenience. This podcast has always been a group effort. Here are the people who have pitched in to keep this moving forward and make it the thing that it is.

Seven Morris handled recording and sound editing for episodes 1 – 12. There is no way this podcast would have happened without his participation.

Laura Dean has been the recording engineer starting with episode 14 (although she didn’t do the audio for this episode, otherwise it would have sounded better).

Bill DeRouchey, in addition to being a guest on episode 2, listened to my half-baked, sometimes grandiose, ideas in the early days and helped me keep it straight in my head. Also, a huge Clash fan.

Caleb Sexton patiently talked me through some late night IM sessions during my first crazy-making weeks of learning Final Cut Pro.

Everyone at Mule Design and Mule Radio Syndicate for their ongoing support and help while we figure out our place in the world of fancypants new media.

EVERY SINGLE GUEST. The podcast exists for the guests. If people weren’t willing to come down and sing their hearts out for me, I’d have no reason to do it. Thanks to each and every one of you.

Pete Seeger, the world’s most important champion of musical participation. The man is constant inspiration to me and has been since I was little and my parents played his music around the house all the time. You can read more about him at Pete Seeger Music.

Joe Strummer led the best band to come out of the original wave of UK punk rock, blew it, and found his way back. For his entire career, the fans were as important to Joe as the music; they were part of one picture. Without one, there was no reason for the other to exist. After he died in 2002, his friends and family created Strummerville, a charity to give opportunities to aspiring musicians and support projects that create social mobility through music.

And last, but not least, my wife, Katie Atkinson, puts up with me being gone for 14 hours one Sunday a month to record, as well as listening to me learn a couple of new songs every month.

Next year is going to be even better.


    This edit is a little rough because I was shooting it with my DSLR. Because the camera stopped a couple of times, I didn't get full recordings of John's and Lina's performances.

    There's also the official Creative Mornings video, if you’re into that kind of thing.